Intermark Ride Groups offers the best selection of both new rides and used rides for sale to customers worldwide.

New Rides
Used Rides
Ride Manufacturer's Representative
The best selection of both new and used amusement rides for sale to customers worldwide.

Recent Used Ride Listings

YoYo Ride
Chance Zipper Used Ride
CP Huntington Locomotive Train
CP Huntington Locomotive Train
Single Skycoaster Used Ride
Spin Zone Bumper Car
Tivoli Orbiter Used Ride
Ballon Wheel Used
Used Enterprise Ride
Musik Fest Used Ride
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We offer the best selection of both new rides and used rides for sale to customers worldwide.
More About Us
35-years in Amusement Industry
Gina Guglielmi
As IRG's President, Gina has extensive experience in the amusement and entertainment industry working in sales, marketing and customer service.

Intermark Ride Group (IRG), serves clients worldwide as a ride manufacturer’s sales representation company and used ride brokerage firm offering innovation and safety in new ride production and a wide variety of used rides for the park, carnival, family center and zoo markets.
Contact Us
Gina Guglielmi
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